

To build on the collaboration and co-teaching focus, Valentina Gonzalez will lead a full day professional development session, which will equip educators with strategies to develop a language-rich interactive classroom. This innovative training will help all teachers transform their classrooms into vibrant spaces where students can use academic language to talk, read, write, and think about each lesson’s content. Teachers will also learn how to collaborate with other teachers to infuse content from this training in their classrooms. This seven step training outlines a dynamic process for structuring, planning, and facilitating a language-rich classroom. In addition, participants will gain knowledge of helpful ways to integrate both content and language standards when planning instruction. They will also receive specific strategies for differentiating instruction so that all learners within the classroom can build their ability to discuss and communicate academic concepts effectively.

Attendees should include: EL teachers, content teachers, administrators, and instructional coaches/specialists

Registration deadline with lodging: November 3, 2023
Registration deadline without lodging: November 17, 2023

Location Information

November 29-30 Training
The Hotel Roanoke & Conference Center
110 Shenandoah Avenue
Roanoke, VA 24016
*If you selected lodging, your room will be provided for up to 2 nights from November 28-30.
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