

Virginia Department of Education: History and Social Science 132 Workshop.

You will be asked to select which breakout session you will attend for the morning session:  

  1. Teaching Hard History: The session will provide a model for preparing teachers to engage in teaching historical concepts and topics that are difficult and controversial to address in the classroom. 
  2. What History is in Your Backyard? Incorporating Disciplinary Literacy Skills into Your Local History Curriculum. Learn how to utilize your local history and partner museums to build district-wide partnerships in disciplinary literacy and successful models shared with participants.     
  3. Begin with the End in Mind: Engaging learners in a skill-based curriculum.  The session will provide sample activities to show the connection between student engagement, building cross-curricular skills, and preparing students for performance assessments.
  4. Designing Instruction with Cultural Responsiveness Leading the Way. Participants will explore principles of cultural responsive pedagogy in social studies, learning how to recognize it, intentionally design for it, and implement it in meaningful ways

You will be asked to select which breakout session you will attend for the afternoon session:  

  1. Using Mad Libs to Design Performance Assessments: Participants will be introduced to task templates from the Literacy Design Collaborative and learn how these can be used with teachers to facilitate task design.
  2. Assessing the Performance Assessment: Learn how distinguish a quality performance assessment from a basic project. Participants are asked to being a copy of a performance assessment and rubric they are currently using or one they would like to use and we will use the Quality Criterion Review Tool to assess the assessment and provide support where necessary.
  3. Completing the Journey: Inter-rater Reliability, Rubric Calibration, and Cross-Scoring: Participants will engage in an inter-rater reliability activity as a springboard to explore rubric calibration and scoring events. Sample protocols shared for small, mid-size, and large school divisions.
  4. Using Performance Assessment Data to Inform Instruction: To engage in the data sense-making process, participants will delve into a protocol for leading teachers through analyzing student PA data and translating them into meaningful information to inform future instructional planning. 
  5. Debunking Inquiry: Roadmap to Successful Preparation for Performance Tasks & Assessments: Packets, coach books, and pay for lesson sites are no longer the solution. As we make the shift towards balanced assessment, we must also change our instruction to prepare students for success on performance tasks & assessments integrating the skills embedded in the 5Cs.
Thank you for your interest in this course. Unfortunately, the course you have selected is currently not open for enrollment. Please complete a Course Inquiry so that we may promptly notify you when enrollment opens.
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