100682 - DBHDS Youth SUD Symposium
The Office of Child and Family Services at the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services has partnered with subject matter experts to discuss the impacts of youth risk behaviors on the developing brain and the psychosocial aspects of substance use among adolescents and young adults to increase awareness surrounding the impacts on life outcomes. This training will provide education on how substance exposure and use during this period of the lifespan leads to disruptions in brain development and can cause changes in cognition, mental health outcomes, and future behavioral risks.Agenda/Schedule
Dr Larry Keen: Understanding Developmental Changes in Brain-Behavior - This session will provide an overview of brain development across the lifespan. Using developmental cognitive neuroscience and psychophysiology, Dr. Keen will unpack how youth substance use and misuse leads to distributions in brain development, and effect later life outcomes.
Kerry Redican and Dr David Sallee: Youth Risky Behaviors and Substance Use Disorders - During this session, participants will learn about the role of community-based participatory research regarding youth risk behaviors. Participants will learn about the latest research and trends regarding Virginia’s youth risk behavior surveillance data, and how youth risk behaviors could potentially affect brain development. This session will guide participants through interventions targeting specific youth risk behaviors designed to prevent and decrease substance use among youth.
Dr Cathy Lau-Barraco: Psychosocial Aspects of Use Among Young Adults - This session is designed to provide an overview of relevant issues pertaining to substance use among young adults (18 to 25 years). The session will provide information about the psychosocial factors that increase risk for substance misuse among all young adults generally as well as among vulnerable sub-groups. The session will offer an overview of screening, intervention, and treatment models to address use among this population.