desks in classroom

Our educator courses, programs, and conferences, are designed to provide educators with the tools necessary to improve the scholarship of teaching and learning. We bring educators together to transcend common challenges faced in the field, expand perspectives, broaden understanding, increase leadership capacity, and offer opportunities for networking, collaboration, and sharing information. These courses cover everything from disciplinary and interdisciplinary instructional strategies and effective instructional practice to demonstrations of infusing engineering and technology into the standards of learning. Browse through our available programs to find one that fits your unique educational needs. View all available listings or find something in one of the program areas below.


School Leaders Institute class in progress

Educational Leadership

teacher in front of classroom of young students

Teacher Enrichment

teacher writingon blackboard

Teacher Preparation



Program Streams

100077 - ACE Virginia Network of Women in Higher Ed
100103 - Multi-Sensory Structured Language Instruction
100109 - VDOE Coordinators' Technical Assistance Academy
100116 - Recently Appointed Administrators Program
100121 - Aspiring Superintendents Program
100167 - TransACT Training
100186 - Virginia Title III Statewide Consortium Conference
100238 - ExC-ELL: Expediting Reading Comprehension for English Language Learners
100241 - Support for SLIFE to Persist Through Graduation
100269 - VDOE Real Co-Teaching Academy of Virginia
100274 - VDOE Summer Institute for School Nursing
100300 - Future World Changers in the Academy National Conference
100355 - WestEd: Identification and Academic Support for Long Term English Learners
100356 - Family Engagement Institute
100357 - ESEA Application Workshop
100372 - VDOE Journey Into Teaching Academy
100383 - Addressing the Needs of Twice Exceptional Students
100384 - Inclusive Practices in the World Language Classroom
100397 - Language Use in Language Arts: Connecting Content and Language
100411 - Occasional Temperament Conference
100419 - Coach Approach
100420 - Celtic Studies of North America
100425 - Optimizing Your Makerspace
100431 - Cyber and Robotics Camp
100441 - The Art of Virtual Business Communication
100444 - Lean Foundations and Lean Applications
100447 - We Need to Talk: Having Critical Conversations in the Workplace
100451 - Leading Organizational Change with Adaptation and Innovation
100456 - VDOE Office of School Quality Conferences
100459 - Beer Off-Flavor Training Class
100488 - STEM Design and Coding Virtual Workshop
100498 - Rapid Literacy: EL Strategies for Secondary Emergent Readers
100499 - WestEd: Academic Support for Long Term English Learners
100500 - Developing Academic Language for English Learners
100501 - Using Technology to Boost Achievement of English Learners
100521 - VDOE Office of School Quality Teachers in Action Training (Teacher Leader Project)
100529 - VDOE's Office of School Quality- Principal Leaders Conference
100535 - VDOE English Summer Institutes
100536 - VDOE Regional Trainings 2021: STEM and Computer Science Education
100537 - VDOE Regional Trainings 2021: Project Based Learning Training
100545 - Addressing the Needs of English Learners with Disabilities
100546 - Twice-Exceptional Learners: Summer Webinar Series for Teachers
100549 - Boosting Achievement for SIFE/SLIFE
100550 - All for All: Empowering Educators to Increase Academic Language Literacy for All Students
100551 - Reading and Writing for ELs K-5
100552 - Talk, Read, Talk, Write K-12
100553 - Multicultural Webinar Series
100560 - Tech for Humanity
100575 - Enhancing Intercultural Learning Through Education Abroad
100582 - Supporting Unaccompanied Immigrant Youth in U.S. Schools
100583 - Engaging Immigrant and EL Families in a Virtual World
100606 - Annual Meeting of the Phytochemical Society of North America
100607 - Virginia Educators Applying Reading Science (VEARS)
100608 - ACC Academic Leaders Network Conference
100610 - Addressing the Needs of Students with Disabilities as World Language Learners
100611 - International Academic Forum (IAFOR) Conference 2022
100620 - Data Science Teacher Training
100621 - Equitable Services for Private Schools
100622 - Recording History - Grabando Historia
100625 - Unlocking Big Words: Strategies for Decoding Multisyllabic Words Pilot Program.
100629 - Practical Strategies for Reducing Anxiety and Challenging Behavior in Students
100630 - Virtual KAI Accreditation Course
100631 - Engaging Secondary Teachers in CALS Research for Agricultural Literacy
100633 - Introduction to SIOP
100634 - Partnering and Working with Immigrant Children, Families, and Communities to Support Students’ Mental Health
100635 - Talk Read, Talk Write K-12
100636 - VDOE English Learning Labs
100637 - Virginia Funders Network Conference
100646 - 2022 NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) Annual Meeting
100649 - NACC’s Excellence at the Center Conference
100651 - Nonlinear Model Reduction for Control
100659 - Explore Data Science (Rising 11-12th Graders)
100668 - Professional Development Workshop for High School Science Teachers
100669 - New Coordinators Academy
100671 - Residential College Symposium
100673 - Collaborative & Proactive Solutions: 2-Day Virtual Training with Dr. Ross Greene, PhD
100675 - 21st CCLC Data Work Session
100678 - PBL Summer Training
100679 - Data Science Summer Professional Learning
100680 - VDOE Multisensory Structured Literacy Training
100684 - KAI Accreditation Course
100688 - KAI Accreditation Course
100698 - Virtual Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL): SIOP Refresher
100699 - Andrea Honigsfeld: Intentional Coteaching to support English Learners in the Content Classroom
100700 - 10th Annual Title III Consortium Conference
100704 - Southeast Chief Student Affairs Officers (SECSAO) Annual Meeting
100706 - Virginia Tech Internship for Nutrition & Dietetics
100711 - Building Bridges to a Culture of Care: Infection Prevention in Our Shared Communities
100712 - DBHDS Working with Adolescents with Substance Use Disorders
100713 - Co-Occurring Disorders in Adolescents
100714 - Navigating the Intersection of Marijuana Use and Suicidal Behavior Among Transitional Age Youth
100715 - Addressing Rising Rates of Cannabis Use Disorders and Suicide Among Transitional Age Youth
100717 - Optimize Your Makerspace 2024
100732 - 52nd Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Theoretical Chemistry Association
100737 - Summer Enrichment Experience at Virginia Tech
100742 - Year of the Peer: Peer Soars in 2024
100750 - 2024 School Law with WCPS and BCPS
100751 - Rural Education Summit
100754 - CPAP High Table Weekend
100756 - The 27th Conference on RUME
Educational Leadership
Teacher Enrichment
Teacher Preparation
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